Wednesday, 10 February 2010

My son and averages...

If we move into a bigger flat in the insecure private sector that would mean that my son has lived in four flats since he was born.

That indicates, that on average, "I" am currently making him move every two years.

I am not in the Forces. I don't need to do this.

If it was up to me....


Jennysmith said...

Its not your fault Stigmum. Your son will know that.

Take care xxx

Stigmum said...

Thanks Jen, I hope so. You should have heard them yesterday when I said I'd do the private thing here if I had to do the private thing at all. "How can YOU do that to your child..." Shame I can't write ocmedy like you, for I nearly laughed but was too shocked, so it comes out like this instead xxx