Monday, 1 November 2010

Being "ready"

I have a sneaky suspicion that when I get the call telling me that I must now move and that I have only a few days to do so, I'll be thinking: "I'm not ready!"

Funny isn't it, for more than two years I've known I'm going to have to move. Since last september with the repossession notice definitely, last Christmas with the possession notice undeniably, last month with the housing association's eviction notice, without doubt. How can I possibly be "not ready"?

Well I'm not. Nothing is packed. Nothing has been put in bags for a charity shop. Everything is how it has been for the last six years.

How can I describe this total blockage?

A mum of three I know successfully bid on a three bedroom flat in August. She was told they have to do some work on it to bring in up to a decent standard but she should start packing.

She was so excited to finally be leaving her flat that she got boxes straight away. Two months on she's like me, not knowing when she is going. Some boxes have been unpacked again to put a little soul back into her flat for it's hard to sit there surrounded by boxes for weeks upon end not knowing when the weeks will end.

I get her, I really do.

So yeah, I'm just warning you. Whenever whenever is, I am likely to post that my son and I have been found a flat and I'm "not ready" to move, I need a little bit more time.

I guess I'm saying if you're going to judge me, judge me now, don't judge me then.

In the meantime I do have to get my head around what I have to do.
I could ask the audience, but you don't have much of one do you stiggers?
So I'll phone a friend.
My friend Annie moved into a shared flat only a few months ago. She'll remember where she went to acquire boxes.

It's a start, isn't it?

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