Sunday, 9 May 2010

Just The Tonic!

First time I went to a comedy gig on my own! It was great! You know when jokes come and you laugh inspite of yourself? That was me! I can't remember their names unfortunately, but the headliner, Geoff Innocent (?), hilarious! He looked like an East End gang leader but wearing a bright African tunic. Said he was an "ethical" comic and said he wasn't a hypocrite because he 'offsets ethical decisions'. His Caterpillar boots, he said, was made by the same company that also make bulldozers to occupy Palestinian territories. His ethical offset was to "give the Israeli's a good kicking". Free range chickens, free to roam by some but at M&S given c-sections if they don't want to lay eggs. Oh I'll wreck it if I write any more!

But, right, what I didn't mention yesterday is that I was meant to go on a date with MakeHay! Remember him? No, I barely do after falling asleep on him the last time we went out. He's got some kind of man flu and bailed on me.

To those who are fearful of doing things, or going places on their own. Don't be!! If I was like that, I'd miss out on so much!

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