Saturday 1 May 2010

May Day down at Trafalgar!

My shorthand tutor told me she was singing at a May Day celebration down town today so I took my son on the adventure. Only a bus ride to Trafalgar Square!

We got there and kids were drumming... "Mission for the World"? Can't recall but very good. I do so love drumming. Went to a concert in Japan years ago and got swept away. I was reminded of that today as the beat, beat, beat beat beat woke up my soul.

Front row to hear my friend singing, then the speeches; from union heads, from a transexual asking for rights for sex workers (I half expected my son to query all that but nothing. I don't think he even realised the guy with the high boots and blond wig was a guy at all which was great, all is equal and fair in a child's eye)

Tony Benn then got up on stage. "Use your vote," he urged. A history lesson how it all started, the small wealthy bourgeoisie challenged by those who wanted health, education and housing for all. "You are their employers," he told the crowd about politicians and if I was paying taxes I'd think, yes I am. But I'm not and feel in a kind of no man's land, no different from the MP claiming expenses but a world apart.

In the rapturous applause he got, my son said: "I'm bored" so we went and sat on the steps a while, where I had a much needed breath of air from Nico Teen. My son not inspired to a life in politics I mused to myself, earlier fearful of how I was shaping it.

We had an icecream before catching the bus home. A luxury my boy takes for granted.

May Day is the workers day. I raise my arm to them all as I wonder if we'll riot like the Greeks soon. Tragically I don't think I will though I know I should.

Happy May Day! Apologies it's not tales of Morris Dancing and a story less bleak but there we go...

I still Don't Know who to vote for, but I do know I will use my vote. If anything it'll give me the licence to carry on complaining if I don't get the result I asked for - A liblab coalition if you're wondering....


Jennysmith said...

Oh I used to love taking Son to Trafalgar Square. And just for the hell of it really. So he could climb the lions and chase pigeons and that.

A bus ride away? You must be very central. Thought WE had it good being a train ride away.

Tony Benn? Thats one of husband's fave politicians.

Vote for the Smoking party or something worthy like that. They must have one around surely? Perhaps we should start one up - before thursday tho' xxxx

Stigmum said...

The No 24 takes us straight there, lucky us! I never could get up those lions myself and find it hard to oof my son up!! Tony Benn, yep, what a man!! Shame he's not on the telly, speaks sense that one!
As for Smoking Party - Top idea! Get it started mamma, I'll follow! Sadly never got round to get my I Don't Know party off the ground, one day though maybe!! xxx