Friday 27 August 2010

A coincidence to make a boy's dream come true?

The joy to be reunited with my son earlier today. The tooth fairy left him a pound he said! I'm so glad to be with you mummy, he said as he held my hand on the walk home.

"You know you said you want to write to David Cameron?" I asked him.
"Do you want to write it when we get home so I can send it while you're at your dads?"
"Yes! Then can we watch Tom and Jerry together?"

A letter on the doormat as we walked through the door. Addressed to me, I looked at the back of it and read "10 Downing Street".

I laughed, I whooped! "Son! You're writing your letter today just as I get a response to the one I wrote!"

I carefully opened the envelope.

Dear Ms de Nim,

The Prime Minister has asked me to thank you for your letter of 17 July requesting a meeting with him to discuss your son's future.
The PM was sorry to hear about your problems but owing to the enormous pressures on his diary I am unable to arrange a meeting.
I am sorry for the disappointing nature of my reply; however we do hope you understand. May I suggest that you get in touch with the the [sic] Minister of State for Housing and Local Government. I am sure [the MP] would be interested to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
A Woman

Woooo! Silver linings to catch!!

I told my son he could write whatever he wanted, but to write it from his heart.

I read it now and it's so beautiful, so simple. The beauty of it is his handwriting, the spelling mistakes (yours sincirily)!! (P.S Please don't worry about my spelling because I am only 7.)

I have to write one to go with it. My son's signed it 'Sue's son' and we don't want the PM wondering 'who's Sue' now do we?!

Yes Stiggers, I shall write from my heart too.

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