Thursday, 13 January 2011

Stigmum is the smoker!

Tis true.

Having spent a week as a non smoker, not all of it pleasurable I have to agree, but most of it pleasant, I fell back into the clutches of my old friend yesterday as I thought of blogging again.

Finished blogging, finished smoking.

Yesterday afternoon, a monumental headache, and a gruff, snappy attitude with my son because of that.

Nico Teen like a toddler who doesn't know they've missed you until they see you again and all hell breaks loose as they wonder where the hell you've been.

This morning, again, walking back from the school run thinking how I'd write, I got home and dragged down three of those little sticks before even switching on the computer.

Stigmum, what is it about you????

Me, I know I want to hurt myself but you?

We can't give up without one another.

Alan Carr says we smoke out of fear. He may be right.

Fear of stopping.

What is there to be afraid of?

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