Saturday 15 August 2009

Going back though not backwards

I'm taking my son to my parents tomorrow. My brother's going to drive us which is cool. My mum and dad are moving house so I have to go through my old stuff and decide whether I save it or chuck it out. Photo's mostly of school and social life in my late teens and early twenties. Letters, tons of letters as I was a prolific letter writer when I was younger and kept what I received.

Things, tons of things, like my brownie badges, t-shirts I kept from so many adventures: Bonheur 2, the yacht I worked on, the Barcelona Olympics, the dragon boat race I competed in in Japan. A signed school shirt from my premature eviction aged 16. People say "Been there, done that, got the postcard." I was very much "been there, done that, got the clothes". There are alot of postcards too though.

Most of it will have to go. I hang on to the past through objects as a way to remember it. There's no space for it here though. It will be a wrench. It's good to let go of the bad stuff, but the good, the good, it's always good to go back to the good...

I'll have a little ceremony or hell's bells, see if I can bring it all back!

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