Wednesday 11 February 2009

What I gave the Council in 2005

Thanks to/despite my small army - nice priest who blessed me, Local Hero, my doctor, my social worker, my shrink, I won/lost the fight to get my son from God to State in one move, omitting the need for temporary accommodation.
I am proud of England, that it has a welfare system in which to catch vulnerable people. However, it is something else when being a mother on your own isn't enough, being poor isn't enough; you have to be mad too, in order to be housed. If you are not mad, the housing system will soon make sure you are. It has no soul and thinks little of the children.

Everyone has a different story, many much worse than mine. The story starts with a home, it doesn't end there (apart from this one).

(From The Book That Will Never Be Published)

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