Friday 10 February 2012

Note to the blogging community

Behind this faceless avatar is a good blog.
Yep, a good blog with some fabulously rubbish posts, some fabulously brilliant ones, some neither nor.

Some of you know this and I thank you a thousand times for following and commenting or both. You know who you are.

I just want to ask, though funny to ask the day I leave, if you've landed here and find a post interesting and it leads you to write your own on the back of it, could you credit Stigmum, or leave a comment with her? It's what I do with bloggers and their posts that resonate with me.

Cyberspace is so huge, so infinite, millions of us, tapping away on our keyboards. It's a way of sharing, connecting, acknowledging, applauding.

I know Communities spin off into smaller communities but I am not part of those, per se. I follow who I follow who don't necessarily follow me and I read what I read. Do it if you're not a blogger, start writing, do it for yourself, I highly recommend.

Also, I still can't access Single Mother's Journal who (on this day) still follows me!

Do we get some kind of cybercred for being blocked? Blocked for inciting kindness?

Oh yeah baby, I rock!


Jean said...

You do rock Stigmum!

Frankie Parker said...

Hope to see you back here soon....

Stigmum said...

Oh thanks ye fellow rockers!!
I miss blogging badly; the writing, the discipline, the purpose of it...Just last week I got a reply from my letter to the Chancellor, from the Department of Work and Pensions, calling me Mr, and signed by someone called Daft.
Where can I put this stuff now I've told Stigmum we must move from here?
It's a sign perhaps to let it go, it depresses me so much but this has always been the battle between me and myself. People need people to fight for them.
Be sure, if I come back, even on a different page, you will be the first to know!
Happy blogging journeys to you! xxx