Thursday 18 June 2009

Starting over

I am going to start living in a positive frame of mind. I'm not going to try to start living in a positive frame of mind as I've tried and tried and tried with the help of shrinks and self help books but find I fall down time and time again. So now, birthday just been, an opportunity to think yesterday's over, I'm going to live optimistically, going to think optimistic things and ignore as best I can the negative things, like the lift not working.
I have my self help books should I faulter.
These are (and no I'm not recommending you buy them but they work for me)

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
You Can Heal Your Life by Louisa L. Hay
Mind Magic by Betty Shine

I'm going to pick up Betty Shine again because I like her style, it's like my gran's talking to me. all warm and feelgood ya know, I also want to get into visualisation again. It got me through labour, it can get me through life!

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