Thursday 9 September 2010

Successful bid?

Last week I bid on a property with no bath, just a shower. Chatted with my boy about how he'd feel about that. Not sure why though, why build his hopes, why tell him anything at all?

Today it's a flat on a street where an old friend of mine lives.

I am currently 34 out of 95

It's all jack shit though. My neighbour was 12th on her list and got a call saying she was No 1.

The whole list thing is bollocks though

I am 82 out of 301. Depressing yes but there we go.
Then I'm 57 out of 210. Shouldn't I be higher than that, as in No 1?
Then I'm 137 out of 334. Hang on, that doesn't add up. Shouldn't that be 115 if you compare it back to the 301 which is in any case would be way lower than I was then?

Oh fucking hell. I don't understand any of it and the bastard system, which knows me, I've been writing and writing to it, doesn't give a shit.

You get the picture anyway.

Son's social worker coming round later. I'll see if she can make any light from it.

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