Thursday 19 August 2010

Party Games

Snakes and Ladders
Pass the Problem
Happy Families

Bidding is Snakes and Ladders. I land on snakes, not a ladder in sight.

Pass the Problem. There are "Go To Jail" cards hidden in Pass the Problem: The temporary I'll be given once the other family are evicted. I remember Mohammed. He was in a hostel, moved to temporary, lease ended, begged the council: "Please don't put us in a hostel again."
The hostel is where I met him, his wife on her anti-depressants, unable to get up for breakfast, lunch or dinner, never mind cook any of these meals.

"Go To Jail" is the joker in Happy Families. Punitive, cruel, damaging.

Don't get me started on Monopoly. I always hated it, I always lost.

I don't mind losing to my son in Junior Monopoly.

I want that child to win. With all my heart I want him to win.

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