Friday 5 November 2010

When do I move in?

By the grace of God, I've got Annie and Issy coming over tomorrow to help me pack.
By the luck of being statutorily homeless, the council are going to get a removal van to transfer my stuff. I didn't know how I was going to do that.
A woman from the temporary allocations team phoned and told me the moving in date is for a week on Monday.
I told her that when I've moved, I'm going to stop bidding for a while.
She told me no, I should keep bidding, I never know when I might get lucky and get something permanent.
Thursdays are the most depressing days of the week for me, I told her. I hate bidding. I've done it for so long, it's so hopeless and weekly I'm reminded of that. I try and move on from housing and Thursdays and bidding just drag me back.

You know, when it comes to housing, it's stiggers who keeps me going
Maybe I will bid, maybe I won't
It's up to you stiggers. Me, I've got to lie down
you've got to let me
lie down


Writing Sally said...

sorry things are still tough for you. I've been out of the blogosphere for a while but am reading again and hope to be writing again soon. Take care of yourself x

Stigmum said...

Hey beingmumbeing me! I've not been reading blogs for a while as so stuck in the eye of my situation. It's ending soon, at least now I know when. I might be out of the blogosphere for a while afterwards too. I hope we both keep writing! Look after yourself, I'll be over to read you soon xxx