Thursday 29 April 2010

"Look after yourself"

Left leg feeling jippy at Zen Boot Camp today. The Master told me to listen to my body and take it easy.

Mistress Psychic was back! She wasn't there last week as she works nights but a great partner she is, as right leg ooofed her and left leg stroked and she said nought.

I cannot lift the weights, too heavy. With bad left leg it was a struggle to get the damn metal rod off the ground.

Should not feel sorry for myself. Mistress Twin needs her knee cap replaced but doc's tell her she's too old so keep taking the pain relief. She was wincing in agony at the end of the class but she'll be there next week, lifting that metal rod high, high above her head.

She is a Warrior. I am the Weakest Link.

Mistress Ha Ha does massages, so I'm going to pop over to her place now and get left leg seen to. Master's idea. He said I should look after myself. Told me to eat properly too.

One weetabix, four fags and a double expresso before class. Hmmmm. Should sort it out really....

I am a warrior in waiting; I may be the weakest link but the chain is not broken.

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