Thursday 1 April 2010

I am my Cave

Velveteen Mind has written a fantastic post titled Enter Your Cave. She describes her own and asks if the reader has one. She mentions Clarissa Pinkola's Este's Women Who Run With The Wolves, of which I'm a great fan. She also made me think.

Stigmum is my cave. My cave is Stigmum. I write myself into black holes, I write my way out of them. My cave is turbulent place, with jagged edges where I must mind my head. I will write and write and write until I climb out into the light, then I will remember it always as a peaceful oasis, as I was once, in the beginning.

For now though I am going to leave my blog to be with my child for a little while. I will take Stigmum with me; I will take a pen. My notebook is blue; the colour of Mary's Veil, which is quite apt given the Season!

I hope I come back to you, whoever you are, which I guess is a way of saying I hope I can come back to me, whoever I am.

I wish you all a Happy Easter.


Anonymous said...

I hope that you have a lovely Easter too! I'm soo sorry to hear about your landlord - she just sounds totally dire and awful!

Anonymous said...

Hope your Easter went well. Looking forward to your return.

Stigmum said...

Thank you guys, hope you had great Easters!

Rosie, you have a strong stomach! For what I write can be so, so... oh you know..!

Anonymous, I used to like her and put up with her nagging because well, I thought she had our best interests at heart, but recently, well, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and think she's just projecting her guilt. We aren't her problem, but like she said to me, we could have been. Landlords and people on benefits...landlords and benefit children? I've too much experience now.

Take care you both xxx