Tuesday 5 January 2010

Back to School

My son was so excited to go to school this morning as his mamma said he could wear his Santa given Arsenal top as it was the first day of term.

He got dressed, he cleaned his teeth, he switched off the tv when I told him it was time to go. How easy is life when we compromise!

Still time was not on our side. "My son, in the eyes of the Law I'm an Adult, in the eyes of God I'm a Child. Race you to the corner!"

"Mummy?" he said as he put his coat on his peg. "I've forgotten my book bag."
"Oops!" I giggled, hand to mouth like a mischievous toddler.
"It doesn't matter mummy."
"I'll race back and get it," I replied.

It's an occupational hazard for my son to forget to grab his book bag of a morning and I am usually always at hand with it.

Where was I this morning?
Good question.....

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