Wednesday, 27 January 2010

A call to shove my heart in my throat

Tory councillor has just called me, moments after I sent him an email in response to his own with 'allocation's' case study of mine and my son's situation attached.

"Could you have a look at this and let me know if there is any information that is missing or if anything needs amending?"

Quicker, always, to simply transpose my email:

Hi [councillor],

Thank you first of all for taking my son and myself on board.

What [Allocations] writes is about right.

I say 'about right' because it doesn't mention how I issued a complaint in 2005 about how my points were reduced when I was made homeless. Legally, I was told, this was correct, but morally, ethically, not at all.

I also turned down a property three years ago. I have fallen down the list. No-one will tell me why. I have not been shortlisted for any flat since under this 'choice based letting scheme.'

[Allocations] says I have written to [Permanent]. Indeed. Many times. I've written to her too countless times and also to the quality review team. So too [Labour MPs] Councillor [Libdem and Libdem], [Tory]. None of this has helped my son at all and all of it, yes, has contributed to the downfall of my own mental health as I get knock back after knock back after knock back.

I have even written to the Prime Minister and have asked your party leader and the libdem's party leader to meet me.

I am exhausted but I have a child and so for my child's sake I cannot give up.

Every Child Matters?
So put mine in a hostel?
Move, disrupting his education, into Private Rental, where he risks being evicted again?

All three political parties want me back at work. All three political parties are responsible for the situation my son and I are in.

I am lost for words, but grateful that you said that you would advocate for us. This is more than anyone else has done. I hope you are successful, that my son and I move, yes, but into a permanent, secure and affordable flat. Six years waiting is quite long enough as I watch people get housed who have waited less time than us with more points. Sometimes less time than us with less points.

If I can help you help me and my son let me know but as my support worker says "you've exhausted every avenue and because of the composition of your family, you will be put in a hostel."

[Tory Councillor], even you must feel that that is wrong.

Thanks very much for what you have done so far. I look forward to hearing from you again.
Kind regards

Sue de Nim

The phone rang minutes after I sent it. He doesn't understand, he said. Those in the council tell him everything's wonderful, I tell him everything isn't.

Would I agree to a three way meeting with a senior housing advisor so he can better understand what's going on?


The best way to deal with the sudden onset of puky feeling because everything, everything, the end of all this battle rests on that meeting, is to call Nico Teen (that's if you can't breathe alone) and make yourself a cup of tea with two sugars. Oh go on then, three....

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