Tuesday 19 October 2010

Horoscopes on my wavelength

I've been thinking recently. The Law of Attraction works if you visualise what you want and think or verbalise your request in the present tense, like you've already got it (I've read).

Praying on the other hand, you're on your knees (or on your back in bed or sitting on Hampstead Heath) asking for what you want.

If you ask for what you want with the law of attraction, it's said that you will keep on wanting.

Anyway, recently, I got confused about it all and ended up trying to visualise light to counteract the darkness in my mind.

Closer online astrology knows I've been tussling with this. Must do, for this morning, they sent me this:

Astro theme for the day . . .Moon Meditation: “Connecting with the Divine…” Moon in Pisces: Have you forgotten how to pray? These days, with the Law of Attraction so big and so many people turned off God by the church’s shenanigans, prayer is no longer really in style. Do you feel switched off by prayer? It’s true that praying for something over and over again is a dangerous thing – if we’re focusing on what we don’t have in repetitive prayer, then the LOA states we will have even less of it! However, as the brilliant Doreen Virtue (who I quoted extensively last week) wrote “Do not chase anything, but instead, ask and be open to receiving.” This is very apt today as the Sun connects with divine Neptune.

Tough for me not to chase. Tough tough tough. After today though, I think I have to sit still. At the very least take my mind off housing, for there's nothing more I can do about that for I've done it all already.


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