Monday 18 October 2010

Weekend coincidences

Subject: You, me and John Bird

Hi [Network Founder],

I usually ask people if it's ok to call them by their first name but I didn't even look at yours as I stuffed your business card in my pocket thinking 'must think about this one' when I met you on Saturday in Kentish Town.

I let go of ever meeting John Bird last year which didn't stop me inwardly cringeing when I saw a charity walk in the Big Issue magazine, thinking he might think I was trying to curry favour with him if I did it. Fortunately I soon got over myself and had a great night!

You saying you had lunch with him on Friday and offering to arrange another including me was, well, quite unexpected to say the least.

I told you I wasn't sure I had anything to say or ask him anymore but I could be wrong.

I would welcome to have lunch with you both if you both agree.

Let me know (as I listen to Rod Steward's "Sailing", free with the (e)Mail on Sunday this morning!) One must follow coincidences now and then for you never know what positive things might come out of them.

Kind regards,

Sue de Nim

Political parties were out in force Saturday morning canvassing for a by-election in a couple of weeks time.

As I walked over to the Tory table for some bumph I said: "I am totally opposed to your party!"

Quite extraordinary what can come out of saying something like that.....

Network Founder asked me what I thought of the coalition and I said "I don't know."

I Don't Know?

You get the email I sent because I just can't tell a story any more...I'n't that right Doris?

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