Thursday 7 October 2010

What is an average wage?

The Tories are going to cap benefits and bring them in line with the 'average wage'.

What is the 'average wage'?

I've heard whispers that the Tory millionaires believe £15,000 a year is plenty for a working family (some tax threshold ends there).

£15,000 is nothing and worth even less than that here in the capital.

I have one child, not 2, 3 or 4.

You may think it's 'fair' (the new Tory buzzword) but how does one define 'fair'?

Ken Loach was on Newsnight last night. He said that the country's wealth is held by the top 10% of society. To take just 5 - 10% of that wealth would wipe out the national debt, he said.

True Blue Heseltine called him a "communist".

I was too stunned to think but Loach effectively told him to stop being abusive and to "grow up".

Why not communicate with the wealthy over the next four years? Why not, well, start again. The rich won't lose much and they are surely talented enough to make it all up again afterwards.

Wiping the debt here is so easy.

Why are the coalition hell bent on hurting the children?

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