Monday 11 October 2010

Last chance for the postcard?

I have written to the Leader of the Labour party asking him to read out my postcard to the House of Commons because there is a giant great big housing crisis that the coalition are making worse.

Will he do it? Who knows.

What's quite funny this time though, is that I am sending it internally!

Yes! Camden Defend Council Housing are going to lobby parliament today and all and sundry in the borough have been invited. I told them ages ago I'd go.

In the central lobby at the House of Commons there's a Post room. I don't know how much it will cost to send my letter but it won't be a fiver for next day delivery!

It's good to have something else to do when one is dreading (understatement of the day) the meeting with social services on Wednesday.

Can my sending a letter to the Leader of the Labour party for the benefit of my country be construed as emotionally abusing my son? Neglecting my son?

They will look for and expose any weakness. I'm not entirely sure what I've done to deserve that, I only want a secure flat in which to raise and provide for my child.

My postcard is positive. Must hang on to that.

Must hang on.

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