Friday 8 October 2010

Transfer to... or harm?

A meeting has been scheduled for me next week with a social worker transfer team.
My son's current social worker is from the duty and assessment team, I'm being transferred to a long term team because they are worried about the welfare of my child.

My son's school is invited, my housing support worker and the Foca was but I ummed and ahhed before saying no to that.

To say I'm not looking forward to it is the greatest understatement.

Chatting to son's deputy head this morning, she told me what to expect and said it 'wouldn't be easy'. "Be prepared to hear hard things," she said.

Amongst those, would you believe, is the accusation of emotional abuse.

Emotional abuse because I cry in front of my son (how little but they've seen me do it once or twice and that's enough)

Emotional abuse because I talk to my son about what's happening.

I've had it out with the social worker already that she told me I should.

They are likely to bring up the fact that my son wrote to Cameron. Social worker told Deputy and said that "wasn't right", my son is a "child".

I told Deputy my flat was tidy, we both know I have to try and keep it that way.

Emotional abuse, it's so insipid isn't it? And where do you draw the line? After all, I don't tell my son he's stupid, I don't swear at him, I don't tell him that if he doesn't behave it'll be his fault we end up in a hostel.

Fucking hell

My son has to see a nurse so this new team have a physical report. The Deputy hopes to be at the meeting to support us both but she's been called to dury service and might not be. My son's doing really well at school, has a solid group of friends. She's written a report for them in favour of how well he's doing and how settled he is.
"You'll have to be strong," said Deputy. "Try not to get defensive."
It's next wednesday. There is no room for paranoia. I'm seeing friends tonight. I will rage to them, because I need to rage. I have until next tuesday to get my act together and remain calm.
I need to use my experiences one day. What's happening is just not on.

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