Friday 2 July 2010

P = Pen

I am consumed.

From the top of my head to the tips of my toes I am consumed.

By fear? By desire? The two are so married.

Tossing and turning in my sleep last night, stamping my little size 4 feet on my springy mattress, giggling!

Such a simple idea!

I want to tell you all about it, I do and I will, I promise, but I need to get out.

I thought a swim in the pond but it's cloudy over. Besides, I swam yesterday, the water cleared my head.

It doesn't need clearing today. It needs focussing so I'm going to the park.

"Did you fill in the form I gave you?" said the school social worker.

"Oh, oh no, it's somewhere, it's somewhere, I'll do it."

"Can you do it today?"

"No, sorry I can't, I mean I'll try, I'm on a bit of a different planet at the moment, I'm following my instinct!"

"Your what?"

"My instinct, I'm following my instinct!"

You coming stiggers? I've got a pen and paper to write about last night. We can't stay here.

The smallest ideas can cause such carnage. Good carnage, good carnage!!

I'm in control. I am, I swear it, I am in control!

I'm crapping my proverbial pants.



Anonymous said...

I come here often, I don't often comment, but really... you expect a school social worker to understand a thing like instinct? It's not in the manual! Ergo, doesn't exist. LOL


Stigmum said...

Ha ha! She did indeed look at me as though I was on another planet, which I am, but fortunately nobody realises that because I have a tan! It's when I speak that I give the game away!!