Sunday 11 October 2009

Final update on son not being home

"Our son is not home so just so you know, you pull a stunt like this again, I will log it with the police."

"If looking after my pregnant wife is a stunt I'm more than happy to speak with the police about it."

"Say what you like, you always do"

The next time it will be something else, then the time after that something else, our son meanwhile taking a back seat. He did not have my consent today and he's not going to get it the next time either.

He may not like travelling from the south coast on a Sunday but that was his choice to move away. What will happen if I choose to leave the city? He didn't think about that either did he?

The Foca's opened a brand new can of worms and my little boy has to wake up at 5 am to go to school in the morning. He'll be tired, tired, tired. Never mind that, as I'm the one to pick all that up, there are plenty of pregnant single mothers who have no choice but to cope alone for days, weeks and months not just a few hours like his Mrs. The Foca will say anything and use anybody to get his own way.


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