Friday 16 October 2009

Getting politically incorrect with housing officer

If I can't moan about housing with a housing officer, who can I moan about housing with (other than you)?

I told him about the immigrant families that were moving into the block (yes, I'm still smarting, especially following another failed bid last week)

"You should take it up with the papers," he said. "You have a very political mind."

"Look at this," I said, showing him Wednesday's Guardian. The society page ran an article, "We're all in this together" about an asylum seeker in Manchester; a Bangladeshi single mother who has to live on £92 a week, "30% less than British families," quoted the article.

"I feel for her, I do, of course I do, I know what it's like," I continued. "But she pays no gas, electric, water, which whacks a good "30%" of what I get. What upsets me though, is that she's in a council flat and if, when she gets her Leave to Remain, it's hers. I want one too."

"Move to Manchester," says housing officer helpfully.
"I don't know what the housing situation is like in Manchester, how many families are waiting. I don't know what the situation's like anywhere in the rest of this country."

"Keep bidding," he said.
Yeah, keep bidding....


John Millward said...

Hi Sue, thanks for your kind words! Keep fighting the good fight!


Stigmum said...

Thanks John, surrender is not an option as I gaze upon the photos of my child adorning my shelves. Good luck to you too on your road to a glorious future!