Monday 5 October 2009

Snow White and the Seven.....

Quite a surprise as I come out of the lift to take my son to school. Seven police officers are coming out of two vans and coming up to the door.

"You'll have to tell me what it's about," I say to the Good Caretaker as I let them in.

"We don't know yet," says a police officer.

Likely story, I think to myself.

They are gone when I return. "Don't worry, they weren't for you," says the Good Caretaker with laughter in his eyes.

"Who for then? Why were they here?"

"Oh a man upstairs, I don't know why."

"Seven policemen for one person?"

"Well you never know these days, they might have dogs.." and he carries on chatting abit about the assault on officers in the past.

"They weren't wearing riot gear," I say (for here at Papier Mache Towers, that is not an uncommon occurence)

"No, it was probably nothing," says Good Caretaker and I leap fairy like into the lift (ok that bit's not true, just taking abit of creative licence...)

The Good Caretaker was right to put me at ease however as I did get swept away by a fantasy during this morning run.

I imagined I would come home and see my door bashed down then charged with domestic disorder. I rather hoped they would stay and tidy up, then thought of Snow White in the little cottage she found. She had help, but no, the Dwarves didn't help her initially. It was birds and squirrels and deer, not pigs ho ho ho!

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