Monday, 5 October 2009

Political opportunities

When I was nineteen, n-n-n nineteen I was debating with my dad one night. A Tory, we just didn't see eye to eye.

"C'est bon d'etre Socialiste quand on est jeune," he'd said. "C'est bon d'avoir espoir. Mais quand tu grandit, c'est les Conservateurs pour qui tu doit voter. Ils sont les travailleurs, les socialistes sont les jouers."

(The long and the short of that is that it's good to dream and hope when you are young but get your act together when you are older. Conservatives are 'workers', Socialists are 'players' he was saying)

We still chew the political cud, my dad and I, but he's no longer so strong.

I don't oft post about my family. There is so much mileage within families for writers you could go around the world for 80 years.

This weekend I told my dad I was self elected leader of the "I Don't Know Party".

He laughed.

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