Tuesday 8 September 2009

Little Miss Screechy

The Housing Association calls me as I'm cycling home from the doctor's. "Has your housing officer come to see you? Do you wish to report any repairs?"

"Only the crack you've caused in my life with the possession notice you've served me."

"I don't know anything about that. You'll have to talk to the council. Do you have any repairs? I have to log it down."

"When I do have a need for repairs you tell me to call my landlady, so when I do have repairs, you don't actually do anything about them."

"I need to know whether you have any repairs so I can log it down on the system."

"Do what you want."

"Thankyou. Goodbye."


Screechy is a character in the Care Bears. My God I identify with her. Oh my God perhaps I am her!


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