Wednesday 9 December 2009

Making Hay

So MakeHay kindly bought me a subscription to a dating site I used to be a member of last year and never deleted my profile from.

I had three days to make hay! Three days to seek and send messages to a thousand men in the hope that one, just one might be my Knight in No Armour. Did I do this? No.

MakeHay might be my Knight in No Armour!

I do not know.

I will never know.


Because I have just realised the subscription ran out yesterday. That's three days isn't it? Since Saturday? Or did it run out on Monday?

The opportunity to plunder cyberspace for Gold, gone!

I'm not going to resubscribe... Are you joking?!!!! It's some random fluke I had this subscription in the first place!

No, I'm going delete myself.

This makes me rather sad. I have to say goodbye to my username.

She was quite good fun. I mean she is quite good fun, she's not dead yet.

Do I keep her out there if she isn't going to look?

Damn, I've gone and given myself a real dilemma now!


A Modern Mother said...

oh why not...

Stigmum said...

She's been out there so long even I'm beginning to think "Still single??? What's wrong with you??" I know the answer of course, but they don't, so time to delete her I think!