Saturday 12 December 2009

Mother and Child evicted Christmas Week

Order for possession
(accelerated procedure)
(assured shorthold tenancy)

sitting at CENTRAL LONDON County Court, Civil Justice Centre, 13-14 Park Crescent, London, W1N 1HT

read the written evidence of the claimant

and the court orders that

1. The defendant give the claimant possession of x Papier Mache Towers, London, NW on or before 21 December 2009.

2. The defendant pay the claimant's costs of £150.00 on or before 21 December 2009.

Note: This order was made without a hearing. Within 14 days of its being served, either party may apply for it to be set aside or varied.

To the defendant
The court has ordered you to leave the premises by the date stated in paragraph 1 above. (If notice is attached of a hearing to consider your request to remain longer, the date you must leave may be varied at the hearing.)
If you do not leave by hte date fixed by the court, the claimant can ask the court, without a further hearing, to authorise a bailiff to evict you.

Payments should be made to the claimant, not to the court. If you need more information about making payments, you should contact the claimant.

If you do not pay the money owed when it is due and the claimant takes steps to enforce payment, the order will be registered in the Register of Judgments, Orders and Fines. This may make it difficult for you to get credit. Further information about registration is available in a leaflet which you can get from any court office.

I have received this just now, just as my son asks me if he can play on his psp after a lovely morning together. A fortunate coincidence.

Mute Mother. I turned around in circles before going to have a cigarette. I am psychotically calm. I don't want to talk to anyone, I can't. Lucky I have blogspot so I can talk to myself.

It is Saturday. I cannot do anything until Monday.

August promised the Council.

Do I have to pay that money?

I have to phone the 'Claimant', the 'Council' and the landlady.

I have not done my Christmas shopping.

14 days? It's not 14 days until the 21st.

Thank GOD my son is here.

I have promised him A Christmas Carol at the Camden Odeon. I will miss it, my mind will be working overtime, but he will not. I've promised him carol singing in Trafalgar Square afterwards. I'm frightened I 'won't be there' to enjoy it with him.

I feel sick and I feel the tears coming. My son mustn't see this. I must log out and go and sit in the bathroom. Let the tears fall. Don't let him see.

I guess that it's in telling this that the emotions have been released which only tears can articulate.

It's good to cry they say.

Thank you blogspot.


Anonymous said...

This is dreadful. Surely they can't leave you without a home? What have the professionals involved with you said about this? Can they not help? So many questions, you are probably searching for answers yourself. Hope you get some. And take care.

Stigmum said...

I can't talk to professionals until Monday. Read the 'housing' of 'law' labels, to know what they've said it the past. "Routine". Days before Christmas... routine? This is not the Church this time. I'm praying for answers. Do the council care? No Rosie, they don't. I hope they will but I have to face the truth. I'll try to take care, I have my little boy, I have to. Thank you x (not stigmum, just me, sue)