Tuesday 24 November 2009


I have just rattled off three overdue emails; 1 ceo, 1 company, 3 party leaders (in the same mail)

Every CEO who has responded to me, I have hit 'reply' and asked one more time.

Seven ceo's responded to me, two personally and of these only one donated.


Total response: 7%
Personal responses: 2%
Number of donators: 1%

Better than 0%, must say.

Even though they didn't respond, I also sent another email to the Party Leaders, telling them they had until January to donate but to do it straight away incase they forget. (I did recognise that they are busy by saying we all are) I grabbed the chance to ask what their policies would be around housing and homelessness should they win the election.

I did bcc the local rag. I ummed and ahhhed over this for a little bit then thought 'sod it'. I emailed them the first time, may as well let them know I'm going to stop after this one.

I have £300 more pounds to find in order to hit my target. I would love to hit my target. The highest fundraiser gets a prize but I'm not in it to win it, I just want to hit my target.

I should email all 100 of the CEO's again really, not just the ones who reply to me, but somewhere I do hope, that by having the grace to respond, they might, might, hand over a tenner....

One lives in hope ey Doris?

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