Wednesday 11 November 2009

My legs feel fine!

No aches or pains today, it was obviously my legs just getting used to the weight of the boots. Different muscles used walking rather than cycling.

However, as much as I love my boots, and imagine The Big Issue Walk to be a gentler experience that those amazing ladies that power walk the Moon miles for breast cancer, I shall break in my trainers again.

So today I power on! With a good supply of plasters! It's a stunning day so I think I'll head towards the canal and see where I end up.

My legs may ache at the end of it all but no pain, no gain! I will also take the opportunity to exercise my brain muscles for I must, I must, meet my fundraising target! So although I have long longed for an ipod, perhaps it is fortunate I don't have one for my imagination needs free reign!

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