Thursday 5 November 2009

Black out nightmares

I've just received a claim form from the Central London County Court, saying it is beginning an accelerated procedure for possession of this property, mine and my son's home these past four years.

By some not so comic coincidence, I get a letter from my MP enclosing the response from the council to the enquiries she made on my behalf.

"Ms De Nim made a homeless application to Camden on 22 July 2005..... Ms De Nim has received all the points she is entitled to under the Housing Allocation Scheme...Unfortunately, Ms De Nim does not, realistically speaking, have enough points to move at this moment in time..."

I feel quite sick reader, I feel quite unable to think properly. I have sent an email to the council demanding to see a housing officer as soon as possible, NOT when my 14 days are up and our future thrown into a cess pit.

Lawyers have already turned their backs on me. The council assured me the lease was safe until NEXT AUGUST. I have to pick up my son in 40 minutes. Wide eyed scared, distracted mother awaits him. I hate access but I am glad he's going with the Foca tomorrow. I cannot stand to let him see me unravel and at moments like these, I can't even pretend not to be.

I'm going underground, underground
The band's gone mute, my feet in a pound
Going underground...

Yes, I know I posted this Jam song this morning. I also know I tried to think positively and there was light at the end of my tunnel. It's an oncoming fucking train isn't it. No Doris, the future is not ours to see but right now neither me nor stigmum is feeling so que se fucking ra. So I will light a fag. Hug my Nico Teen.

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