Sunday, 8 November 2009


In my tired state yesterday, I thought it would be a good idea to go to Victoria Park. I was going mostly of course to give my neice a birthday hug, but I would also have to walk from the tube station to the park and back again. On little more than four hours sleep yesterday I thought that this would be a good challenge. Good prep for the Big Walk!

I erm, walked to the bus stop to get to Camden. Ahem.

I got the tube to Mile End.

I started to walk up Grove Road but got a stitch! So when I spied a bus stop, out of breath, I waited for a lift to the top of it. Poor show, I know.

There was a fair at Victoria Park and the first thing my bro and niece did was pay me a ride on the Waltzer. Now it's been years since I've been on one of my favourite rides as a child...

We span, we span, we were vigourously spun. My stomach lurched into my throat. I was so dizzy when it stopped it took me ages to get off.

I point blank refused to go on the spinning upside down thing. Loved these as a child too, but so did I love merry go rounds but I don't know if it's motherhood or age but I just can't do that anymore either. Though my son loves it when I do, loves hearing me say "stop stop I'm going to puke," loves watching me stagger when I get off.

The fireworks were amazing! Wooooo! Weeeee! Aaaaah!

Walk back to the tube. Roads closed to traffic. Walking with the throng, I got no stitch. As I was walking on my own I thought: "This is what it will be like, walking along with hundreds of others."

Suddenly, a girl looks at me and in a flash, recognition sparks both our faces.

"How are you?!"
"Good! You?!"

She was my friend Steve's friend, walking with her boyfriend.

Natter natter as we walk along. I told her I was doing the Big Issue walk. "You'll have to wear good trainers," she said. "I haven't got any of those!" I answered.

I got to Mile End in a jiffy. No stitch, no aches and pains, actually feeling quite revitalised! Bodes well doesn't it?!

This morning I walked into Camden to meet my friend Phil. I realised that if I can do nine round trips between my place and Camden then that's 18 miles. I'd say it's a doddle but Phil gave me a lift home so I think I'm floating in fantasy land. Perhaps I should try it one day, if only to find out if my boots are up to the job of supporting me!

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