Sunday 15 November 2009

Sunday Irony

Instead of putting my son through Sunday School so he can take his First Holy Communion next year, I am to take him through the steps to get him ready. It's not something I particularly want to do, it's just something I have to do (don't ask...).

A couple of weeks ago my mum took him through lesson one; celebration.

Today the lesson was "Forgiving".

The story was Zacchaeus.

Zacchaeus is a tax collector. He really wants to see Jesus but because he is short and can't see over the crowds he goes and climbs a tree.

When Jesus gets to the tree he tells Zacchaeus to come down, he is coming to his house today. The crowds who had come with Jesus aren't too happy that this lying, cheating, loaded man is getting grace and favour from JC but Zac himself is so touched by Jesus' love, acceptance and mercy, he undergoes a change of heart and offers to give half of his possessions to the poor and promises to repay fourfold anyone he has cheated.

Jesus helps Zac to grow, to become a better person. "And Jesus said, "The Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."" (Taken from The Table of the Lord - My First Eucharist Book)

How many banking CEO's, how many politicians will give to the street homeless (of course not suggesting for one minute that they're dishonest...) I wonder as I ask them for donations?

There is another irony of course that I am there trying to teach my son about forgiveness and repentence when I myself find those very difficult pills to swallow.

I am not my son's best Sunday School teacher. It helps I think if one believes in the School one is teaching. I don't anymore or rather, it sits uneasily with me, but I like the stories. On account of this, I guess I'll do.


Anonymous said...

I am in a simiar situation a my daughter goes to a Catholic school and my parents would be disappointed if she did not do her First Communition next year. It's a difficult one as I don't agree with the majority of the church's teachings yet I have no choice but to sit and listen to it all every Sunday, nor has my daughter.

Stigmum said...

Well done going to church every week. I can't do it though will have to try now and again as part of my 'teaching'! At my folks we go, or my son goes with my mum and his cousins. I have real trouble unless I like the priest...!