Monday 2 November 2009

Four political parties on council flat sell offs:

Council candidates met last week to pitch for control of Camden Council ahead of the elections. They were asked by someone whether it was right to sell council homes.

Greens: "It's a difficult one - the executive has a huge problem. But the council clearly does not have a strategy on reducing its waiting list."

Labour: "In almost every case it's wrong. They should only sell homes that are in chronic need of repair - that has not been the case so far."

Lib Dems: Camden has been "punished" by the Labour Government.

Tories: "I don't think the sell off of voids needs questioning (no?!). Council tax alone will not cover the repairs - I'd ask the Government, where's the magic pot of money?"

I posted earlier today, the local authority (libdem/tory) blames the Government and the Government blames the local authority for the rat shit mess down here. (Response from Brown's quarters)

The I Don't Know Party wasn't available to comment, sadly, just got this news in the Camden New Journal today.

Who are you going to vote for next May? I Still Don't Know

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