Monday 2 November 2009

Response from Brown's quarters

I'd shred the letter if I had a shredder for what it's worth but instead I shall hang on to it incase it is useful for housing my son.

Yes, our Prime Minister forwarded my letter to the Communities and Local Government. If nothing else, it's more than his predecessor did for me. The letter did not however say "we're onto it mamma, we'll house you in a jiffy." Oh no.

They are "sorry" to hear about my situation (so easy to say, so easy) "but the allocation of social housing by a local authority is a matter for the authority concerned, and neither Ministers nor their officials are able to intervene in individual cases."

That's handy innit? The local authority, which is of flipping course a Libdem/Conservative one, says they are sorry but have to follow Government policy (when you back them against a wall) and the Government turns round and says it's nothing to do with them, talk to the local authority. Round and round we go.

"It's their fault says local authority, no it's their fault says Government, no it's their fault, no it's theirs..." Meanwhile, we are stuck. Me, my son, others, their children, squashed within failing policies, finding it hard to breathe.

"Local authorities," I am told, "are responsible... for housing allocation schemes, which must ensure that "reasonable preference" (i.e. priority) is given to certain categories of households."

Here is the list of households "that need to be given "reasonable preference":

  • Are homeless; check, been on the register over four years.
  • Are occupying unsanitary, overcrowded, or unsatisfactory housing conditions; check, overcrowded and unsatisfactory.
  • Need to move for medical or welfare reasons; check, welfare reasons: Government wants me back in work never mind the situation driving me mad and into the arms of the NHS.
  • Need to move to avoid hardship; check, how hard does my life have to be?

Talk to the housing office, it suggests.

"If you are not satisfied with the way the council has dealt with the matter, you can complain using their complaints procedures. If you are not satisfied with the conclusion arising out of your complaint, you may wish to pursue this with the Local Government Ombudsman."

Clearly this is what I have to do. Instead of feeling filled with renewed energy, I feel crushed beneath the weight of the state's iron slabs. I want someone to take me by the hand and do it for me. I want someone to take me by the hand and SUCCEED where I am failing.

You think lone parenthood is a walk in the park? I can't see the fecking wood for the trees....

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